Renault India has started operations at a few of its dealerships and service centres
The French Automaker has stated that 194 dealerships and service centres have been opened and while doing so they have made sure that the safety and hygiene of the staff or customers is not compromised.

Renault India recently announced the opening of 194 dealerships and service centres, and this will definitely help Renault initiate the recovery phase. By doing so, Renault has joined the list of automakers such as Maruti, Toyota, Mercedes Benz, BMW and many in restarting their dealerships, service centres and factories.
In order to curb the spread of Covid 19, the Government implemented a country wide lockdown because of industries, specifically the Auto Industry suffered. With factories and dealerships remaining closed, sales and production have been dismal, however, the Government has permitted the staggered opening of industries.
Following the guidelines and safety protocols issued by the Government, Renault has gradually started operations, and if the pandemic begins to ease, then Renault and many other automakers could look to resume their functioning in India.
However, resuming operations at this point is not as easy as it sounds. Coronavirus spread has actually accelerated in the last few weeks and in times like these, opening businesses may help financially, but the risk of contracting the disease is still very real. In order to make sure that this does not happen, Renault will be carrying forward fumigation of the dealerships, their employees will be screened, and social distancing will be practised.
So from their end, Renault has made sure that the disease cannot be caught, however, customers coming in and out is also a worry. To deal with this, Renault will be checking the temperature of the customers before they enter the dealerships. On entering the dealership, the customers will be given hand sanitisers and masks, thereby putting a temporary stop from the disease being spread.
So as to be extra careful, common customer touch points in the car, such as the ORVMs, IRVM, climate control knobs, steering wheel buttons, door knobs, seats, seat belts, dashboard, gearbox, media system, boot opening button will be disinfected. It would be quite a chore to conduct frequent intricate cleaning of this manner, but this is required. For vehicles coming in for servicing or repairs, similar protocol will be followed. If this protocol is religiously followed, chances of branches of dealerships and service centres being opened will only increase.
On the financial end, Renault has introduced a new scheme, called the ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ scheme. As the name suggests, the customer who avails this scheme will have to pay the purchase amount monthly, after 3 months of buying the vehicle. This scheme can only be used provided the customer buys the vehicle from a Renault showroom, Renault India website or Renault’s App.
Furthermore, Renault has a made a virtuous move by providing special benefits to frontline personnel, and they have done so by introducing the ‘Care for Caregivers’ scheme. Furthermore, Renault showrooms will also be giving a cash discounts, exchange bonus, loyalty points and an interest rate of 8.99%. Such implementations will help Renault gather customers, and they like any other automaker need to make sales from the word go.
Renault seems to have been quite exemplary in providing schemes for the people, and if the schemes were not enough, they have also brought in the ‘Job Loss Cover’ plan. This plan provides a coverage to those who have lost their livelihood, suffered a loss of life or hospitalisation due to Covid 19, and if this is the case, Renault Finance will offer a single premium between Rs 650 to Rs 1,600.
It seems like Renault has thought of it all, and the steps that they have taken are quite comprehensive. If other automakers follow such strategies, customers could then be positively inclined towards venturing back to motor showrooms. The Indian Auto Industry has been pushed back significantly because of Coronavirus, and I hope the automakers can can sooner or later, begin operations once again.