Bentley supports the Cheshire health services by supplying over 30,000 face shields
Bentley has used its industries to build face shields instead of vehicles, as medical equipment is the need of the hour. Bravo.

Bentley Motors began their ‘Be Safe’ programme, and they are extending it by providing 30,000 face shields to the local community of Cheshire. These face shields will be distributed amongst the local care homes and NHS (National Health Service), where they are required most.
Bentley as a motor brand is based in Crewe, Cheshire, and naturally they feel a certain responsibility to be there for their people. The auto brand will be making use of its specialist skills to 3D print the face shields, and apart from this, Bentley is also delivering PPE (Personal Protection Equipment), 20,000 pairs of disposable gloves, 10,000 face masks and 1,800 disposable seats covers to the Cheshire Care Sector, which includes 95 care homes in the area. Bentley has also gone on to supply 40 safety glasses to the Leighton hospital.
While offering medical equipment, Bentley has taken a step further by expanding their ‘Bentley Meals on 22 inch wheels’ service. By expanding this service, Bentley will be sending their employees (who have volunteered) who would be using company cars to transport essential goods such as foods to local charities and food banks.
Furthermore, Bentley has added medical supplies to the list and they are delivering medicines as per prescriptions. In a time during which people cannot step out of their houses, initiatives such as this help provide people with the goods that they need.
Dr. Astrid Fontaine , Bentley’s Board member for People, Digitisation and IT has stated that the current times are a difficult one, and during this crisis, the main priority for Bentley is the safety and well-being of the employees and their communities. She further went on to say that in a time like this, Bentley has used its world class engineering, expertise and resources, and this has been diverted in the right direction, where it is needed most.
Dr. Fontaine has gone on to praise her employees, and they do deserve the praise as they have risked themselves to bring some sort of ease in the lives of those who have been struggling. In the end she also promises, that Bentley will carry on with this pursuit of supporting the local communities in the coming weeks and months, and this is particularly heart warming.
In times like these, it is important for industries of different motor brands to come together, and help the people, especially those who are on the front lines. I hope many other brands join in on initiatives like this, as this will not only help curb the spread of Coronavirus, but will also instill and increase the sense of hope amongst people.