Volkswagen registers a 95% fall in sales! Tiguan All space and T-Roc register 0 units in sales.
Times are extremely tough for the auto companies, and the phase of recovery does not appear to be close

Coronavirus has wrecked mayhem on the auto industry, sales are crashing, production factories have been indefinitely stopped, supply lines have been disrupted, financial drains are piling up, basically, it is not a great time to be an motor brand owner at the moment.
Many motor brands such as Maruti, Hyundai, Toyota which are used to attaining a large volume of sales have suffered and are registering poor numbers. If brands like these begin to have a hard time with sales, it is obvious that the German competitors would be affected in a much more drastic fashion, and it is true, as Volkswagen has sold a total of 131 cars in the month of March 2020, which is quite minute in comparison to the sales from March 2019, 2751 units.
Out of the 131 cars, 105 were Polos, 19 were Ventos, 4 Tiguan units and 3 Ameo models. What would particularly hurt Volkswagen, is the fact that both their new models, Tiguan All-Space and T-Roc, have sold 0 vehicles last month. Maybe the competition is too strong, or maybe Covid-19 caused this, but 2 new models faring this way is quite unexpected. Although, we reckon that the lock down has led people to a more resourceful spending behaviour than putting in orders for vehicles that too the 20 lac plus segment.
This does not make for a pretty reading, but this was inevitable, as Covid 19 has hit every industry in the world. Bracing for an event like this is simply impossible. The sub-standard sales in the month of March this year has demoted Volkswagen to being the lowest selling brand in the month of March, and this is an achievement no one would voluntary want.
During 2019, Volkswagen had a 1% market share, but even that has fallen sharply to a tiny 0.1%. However, Volkswagen will not accept defeat so easily as they have a plan and that plan is called India 2.0 Strategy, according to which Volkswagen intends on gaining a market share of 5% by the year 2025. Now that may appear as a distant dream, but one must believe to make things possible. However,
Volkswagen intends on launching more SUVs in India, at different price points, as they have realised that lately India has proved to be an SUV obsessed nation (which other car would work on roads like ours), and this might just work for them if they price them right. Nevertheless, Volkswagen and other motor brands need to stay strong and ride out this Coronavirus phase, and once they do, I hope the sun shines upon them, and they find a way and the will to come back stronger and better.