F1 has a record 23 races scheduled for 2022!
The sport is adamant on achieving it's longest season ever next year and we as fans, couldn’t be happier.

Back in the 1950’s and 1960’s, F1 had a maximum of around 6-10 races being contested, which seemed like a big task for both teams and drivers at the time. I’m sure that they would go bonkers at knowing the amount of races held today, from where the number only seems to be going up!
For next year, F1 plans on hosting races on 23 out of the 52 weekends of the year, with the races scheduled to be held between mid-March till the end of November. This means that the density and the rate at which races will take place will also increase, and we might see fewer breaks between races. Just imagine the logistical challenge the teams will face next year! Although, we as fans are holding our breaths especially cause it is happening with the regulation changes to bring teams closer.

This year has already given us a current record, with 22 races scheduled and 15 of them having been completed, and F1 is on track to beat that record yet again next year. A new addition to the calendar will be Miami, which will host the race between 6th and 8th of May.
The Sprint format will also continue on, with F1’s CEO Stefano Domenicali saying that sprint will be held at about one-third of the races, which translates into about 7 or 8 Sprint weekends next year. He also said that F1 will be taking inputs from those who didn’t like the format that much, and that they have a “great plan” in mind for those people as well.
I have a feeling that next year’s regulation changes will make the racing even closer, which will make the many rounds we get to see even more fun to watch, as we’ll get to see close and tightly-fought action on a very regular basis! Though, one part of me feels that F1 being held so regularly might take away from the spectacle of the sport, the special feeling of waiting to see an F1 race. Anyhow, let’s see how it all pans out next year!