Mercedes Benz India lends a hand by proposing to build a makeshift hospital near Pune
Mercedes Benz will be creating this temporary hospital in the Mahalunge-Ingale village

Coronavirus has brought a halt in our lives, but now it is beginning to spiral a tad bit out of control. The lock down that was imposed on India is about to end in 13 days, but the disease has still not been brought in control. In fact, the number of cases in India have begun to rise, each new day has more number of cases registered than the previous day.
Maharashtra is the state leading with the maximum number of cases, which is more than 320. In order to counter this rising number, the Government and State Government has taken steps to curb the rise, along with them many car makers have also joined in, and have decided to take an active role in helping to flatten the curve of this pandemic. One of these car makers is Mercedes Benz, and they have will be making a hospital with isolation wards for up to 1500 patients who are suffering from Coronavirus.
This facility which is being prepared by Mercedes was originally a MHADA ( Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority) property and with the help of the local administration, Mercedes India will turn this property into a temporary hospital.
Furthermore, this medical space will have 374 rooms, and Mercedes assures that stretchers, wheelchairs, sanitizers and PPE kits ( Personal Protection Equipment ) will be provided for. Mercedes Benz India employees will also be donating their one day’s salary which will be contributed to the Maharashtra Chief Minister’s Relief Fund for the Coronavirus pandemic.
Apart from building this medical facility, Mercedes Benz India has provided assistance to the medical community in these trying times by distributing ventilators in the Grant Medical Foundation. They have also pledged to donate the makeshift hospital’s equipment to the Civil Hospital of Khed, after the situation of Covid 19 becomes less dire.
Things such as the beds from the isolation wards will be sanitised and given to the tribal youth hostels. In these challenging times, where daily wage workers are finding no sources of livelihood in Khed and Viman Nagar, Mercedes has helped them by providing 1600 workers with dry rations, cleaning kits and will be looking after their needs till the month of May.
It is especially delightful to see luxury brands such as Mercedes, coming out of their way and helping out. I hope this motivates other car brands to emulate them, and help in fighting this pandemic, as the help is needed, and the pandemic is appearing to get worse. To my readers I say this, please practice social distancing, wash your hands, and stay safe. This may be a difficult time, but we will get through this together.